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Cultural & Creative Industries Skillnet, one of 70 Skillnet Ireland Business Networks nationwide, has launched a new Sustainability Toolkit, a comprehensive online resource designed to guide Ireland’s cultural and creative industries towards more sustainable practices.

This pioneering toolkit, developed by the Cultural & Creative Industries Skillnet, with collaboration from Native Events, will support businesses of any size and freelancers operating in Ireland’s world-renowned cultural and creative sectors to find the services and support they need to sustainably support commercial creative pursuits.

Gareth Lee, Cultural & Creative Industries Skillnet Network Manager, said: “Our Network recognises the urgent need for increasing sustainable practices within our creative, media and arts sectors. Our goal is to drive positive environmental impact while supporting the ongoing growth and excellence of Ireland's cultural and creative industries. This toolkit provides comprehensive, practical solutions for professionals at every level, enabling them to integrate sustainability into their work. It’s exciting to see it go live.”

As the global focus on sustainability intensifies, the cultural and creative industries are uniquely positioned to lead by example. The new Sustainability Toolkit addresses this imperative, offering accessible, practical, and actionable information tailored to the specific needs of the creative industries in Ireland.

The toolkit features a range of resources, including:

  • Guides and Templates: Step-by-step instructions for integrating sustainable practices into daily operations, from event planning to production processes.
  • Case Studies: Real-world examples showcasing successful sustainability initiatives within the cultural and creative sectors.
  • Tools and Templates: Ready-to-use materials to help organisations and individuals implement sustainable strategies effectively.
  • Resource Organisations: Reliable sources of accessible and practical information from a variety of Irish as well as international organisations.

To check out the toolkit and for more information visit:

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