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The FOI Act has applied to Skillnet Ireland since May 2006 and the following records come within the scope of the Act:

all records relating to personal information held by Skillnet Ireland, irrespective of when created.
all other records created since commencement of the Act on 21st April 1998.
The FOI Act allows public access to information held by public bodies which is not routinely available through other sources. However, access to information is subject to a series of exemptions to protect sensitive information where its disclosure may damage key interests of the State or its citizens. Access to information is also subject to specific procedures and time limits. Among the key exemptions are:

  • Confidential
  • Commercially sensitive
  • Personal information (other than information relating to the person making the request).
  • Should it be necessary to withhold a record, a full explanation of the decision will be given to the requester in writing.

Applying for Information

Applications should be made in writing to:

The Freedom of Information (FOI) Officer Skillnet Ireland,
Fifth Floor, Q House,
76 Furze Road,
Dublin 18,
D18 E268.
Tel: 01 207 9630

Applications should:

  • specify that the information is sought under the FOI
  • be as detailed and specific as
  • state whether the request is in relation to personal or non-personal
  • include your full name and address and give a daytime contact telephone
  • state the preferred form in which information is to be provided (paper, electronic )
  • You may be requested to provide proof of identity where personal information is sought, such as a full birth cert, driving license or other form of identity.

A Request for Access to Records under the FOI Act form is available here.

Processing of requests for information is subject to time limits specified by the Act. We are obliged to acknowledge a valid request within 2-weeks and to respond to it within 4-weeks. If the request relates to third party information that has been supplied to Skillnet Ireland, there are provisions for formal consultation with these third parties before releasing sensitive information relating to or supplied by them. If the period is to be extended you will receive notice before the end of this 4-week period and the reasons for the delay will be explained.

We are happy to help guide you through your application and assist you as much as possible.

Assistance to persons with a disability

We are available to provide assistance to persons with a disability to exercise their rights under the FOI Act (e.g., accepting oral requests from requesters who are unable to read, print and/or write due to their disability, enabling the requester to inspect or have records explained to him or her).

Rights of Review and Appeal

If you are not satisfied with the response received from Skillnet Ireland in relation to the information request, you may ask Skillnet Ireland to carry out an Internal Review:

Internal Review

A more senior member of the Skillnet Ireland staff will review the initial decision. An internal review must be requested in writing addressed to the FOI Officer within 4-weeks of the initial decision.

If you are not satisfied with the decision of the Internal Review, you may appeal directly to the Information Commissioner.

Review of the Information Commissioner

Following completion of the internal review, you may seek an independent review of the decision from the Information Commissioner. If you have not received a reply to your application for the internal review within 3- weeks, this is deemed to be a refusal and you may appeal the matter to the Information Commissioner.

Appeals in writing, and, if applicable, accompanied by the appropriate fee, (see under Fees below) may be made directly to the Information Commissioner at the following address:

Office of the Information Commissioner
6, Earlsfort Terrace
Dublin 2, D02 W773.
Telephone: 01 639 5689


The following charges apply in relation to requests for records made to Skillnet Ireland under the FOI Act.

Application Fees

There is no application fee for making a request.

Search and Retrieval and Copying Fees

Fees may be applied in respect of the time spent searching and retrieving records that are released to you and in respect of copying of such records.

Fees do not arise if your request is for personal information.

€20 per hour for search and retrieval of records (for charges that exceed €100).
€0.04 per sheet for

Fees, where charged, have to be paid before the information is made available.

There is an Internal Review prescribed fee of €30 (medical card holders €10).

There is a prescribed fee for an Appeal to the Commissioner of €50 (Medical Card Holders €15).

There is however no prescribed fee for a review of a decision involving personal records.